Geoffrey Wilcoxson

Episode 111: Geoffrey Wilcoxson
”To Insource or Outsource Your SEO Is the Question”

Conversation with Geoffrey Wilcoxson, a senior digital marketer at Digital Current and a subject matter expert at content strategy and Search Engine Optimization.

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Picture of a the exterior of the National Aquarium in Baltimore, Marlyland

Shark Trivia

Did You Know that the Dusky Shark (Carcharhinus obscurus)….

.….is named after its dusky fin tips? The rest of the coloring on its body is a uniform bronze or grey color with a white underside. They are often confused with Galapagos Sharks but the Dusky Shark can be identified by its somewhat sickle-shaped first dorsal fin.

.….is a species of requiem shark in the Carcharhinidae family and is a large shark, normally reaching from 3.2 to 4.2 meters in length? It can be considered very aggressive. However, they are considered an endangered species.

.….is a nomadic and strongly migratory shark and live all over the world’s oceans where they generally stay near the shore?

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