Klyn Elsbury

Episode 129: Klyn Elsbury
”The Power You Give to Your Story”

Conversation with Klyn Elsbury, a bestselling author, trainer, renowned speaker, certified Neuro-Linguistic Programming practitioner, Cystic Fibrosis advocate and survivor, and she was featured on NBC Nightly News with a story about the high cost of prescription drugs.

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Picture of the critically endangered Oceanic Whitetip Shark

Shark Trivia

Did You Know many Sharks are Critically Endangered….

.….species and near extinction according to the IUCN (International Union for Conservation of Nature and Natural Resources), which creates their Red List of threatened species of animals?

Conservationists have been warning for years about the unsustainable killing of sharks. Data focused on oceanic sharks and rays, those that live in open seas rather than in shallow coastal waters, continues to reveal that overfishing and shark finning are causing a dramatic decline of at least 71 per cent in shark populations worldwide over the last half century.

The Oceanic White Tip Shark, once the most common shark in tropical waters, is now critically endangered, the last step before extinction in the wild.

Other data has also shown that coastal shark populations are declining as well.

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