Episode 181: Carlos Gil
”Is This the End of Marketing?”

Conversation with Carlos Gil, the CEO and Founder of Gil Media, a social media strategist and storyteller, a speaker, and an author of a provocative new book called “The End of Marketing, Humanizing Your Brand in the Age of Social Media and AI.”

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Picture of a shark hunting and swimming through a school of smaller fish

Shark Trivia

Did You Know that Sharks Eat….

….large fish (including other sharks) as well as seals, sea lions, turtles, seabirds, and other creatures if they are large hunting sharks like Great White Sharks and Bull Sharks? They prefer these tastes to humans.

….anything they can find if they are Tiger Sharks? Tiger Sharks have also been known to eat tin cans, license plates, and other trash thrown into the sea.

….just a few types of food, especially if they are Great Hammerhead Sharks who like to eat stingrays?

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