Rahim Rajpar

Episode 224: Rahim Rajpar
”Looking at Growth and Acquisition Strategies in the Insurance Industry”

Conversation with Rahim Rajpar, a Principal at Hawthorne Advisors, a consulting firm, and he’s also the former CMO & Head of Direct to Consumer at John Hancock Insurance.

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Picture of a shark in the water

Shark Trivia

Did You Know that Sharks are Older than Trees….

….and were already swimming the seas nearly 100 million years before trees existed on Earth? Sharks are one of the most ancient earthly organisms.

The earliest trees, the now-extinct Archaeopteris, arrived about 350 million years ago, and grew in forests in what is now the Sahara Desert.

Sharks arrived somewhere between 400 million and 450 million years ago, making them older than both dinosaurs and humans. They have survived 4 global mass extinctions since then.

Trees may out-survive them though. Particularly due to overfishing, many sharks species are endangered today and may not survive.

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