Jeff Lotman

Episode 232: Jeff Lotman
”How to Use Invisible Marketing to Connect with Customers through Licensing”

Conversation with Jeff Lotman, the CEO and Founder of Global Icons, a brand-licensing agency, and he’s also the author of “Invisible Marketing, A Hidden Tool for Connecting with Consumers through Licensing.”

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Oceanic Whitetip Shark

Shark Trivia

Did You Know that the Oceanic Whitetip Shark (Carcharhinus longimanus)….

….is often confused with Whitetip Reef Shark but are actually a different species that lives in open oceans all over the world? The Oceanic Whitetip Shark is a pelagic requiem shark of the Carcharhinidae family.  The IUCN considers it a Critically Endangered species of shark.

….is a large hunter, growing on average to 7 feet, that lives in open oceans all over the world with white rings at the tips of almost every fin on their bodies?

….is considered aggressive and although usually hunt alone, they often hunt in packs like dogs?

Kenneth “Shark” Kinney on a dive

About the “Shark” and Host of A Shark’s Perspective

Kenneth "Shark" Kinney is a keynote speaker, accomplished marketer, lead generation driver, and business growth consultant. He is passionate about leveraging data in omni-channel strategies and known for driving growth in Digital Marketing and Advanced and Addressable TV. He's led national campaigns working with brands including Acxiom, Citi, Chase, Target, GM, American Express, FedEx, Honda, Toyota, TD Ameritrade, Panera, TruGreen, and over 50 colleges and universities. He has also been an on air host and producer of TV and Radio programs.

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Episode 229 - Jim McKinley
”The Uncommon Logic of SEO in a COVID-19 World” (Listen)

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