Zach Morrison

Episode 27: Zach Morrison
“Be Elite in Performance Based Digital Marketing”

Conversation with Zach Morrison, the President of Elite SEM and a subject matter expert in performance-driven digital marketing.

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Picture of a large number of seals sitting atop Seal Island in False Bay, South Africa

Shark Trivia

Did You Know that a favorite eating spot for Great White Sharks is….

.….Seal Island, a small land mass located 3.5 miles off the northern beaches of False Bay, near Cape Town in South Africa?

There is no vegetation, soil of any significance, or beach. The long and narrow island is so named because of the tens of thousands of Cape fur seals and Brown fur seals that occupy it.

The dense population of seals at certain times of the year attracts their main predator, the Great White Shark. It provides rare opportunities for those who wish to witness breach attacks by the sharks where they hurl themselves out of the water with the seal in their mouth.

The "Ring of Death" is the area where the fast and aggressive sharks circle the island and try to pick off the seals.

Since 2001, the island has become popularized by the Discovery Channel series Air Jaws and other shows during Shark Week.

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