Sona Pehlivanian

Episode 61: Sona Pehlivanian
“Interconnected TV Campaigns”

Conversation with Sona Pehlivanian, the Vice President of Addressable Campaign Management and Operations at New York Interconnect and a subject matter at leveraging data for more effective TV and cross channel campaigns.

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Picture of the Fonz jumping the shark

Shark Trivia

Did You Know that the phrase “Jump the Shark”….

.….comes from a scene in the fifth season premier episode of the 1970s TV series Happy Days where the Fonz responded to a challenge to his bravery by wearing swim trunks and his trademark leather jacket and jumping over a shark while skiing?

.….is an idiom used to describe the moment of a misguided attempt at generating new publicity for something once, but no longer, considered widely popular? It demonstrates the reference to a notable change in style where unsuccessful gimmicks for promoting something past its peak and that has exhausted its focus or quality.

.….originated from a reference by Ron Howard on a podcast where the spoke about the first time the phrase was used by Happy Days costar Donny Most, who portrayed Ralph Malph? When Most read the script for the episode, he said, “he's jumping a shark now?” The phrase was later turned into a website and subsequent books by radio personality Jon Hein.

Kenneth “Shark” Kinney on a dive

About the “Shark” and Host of A Shark’s Perspective

Kenneth "Shark" Kinney is a keynote speaker, accomplished marketer, lead generation driver, and business growth consultant. He is passionate about leveraging data in omni-channel strategies and known for driving growth in Digital Marketing and Advanced and Addressable TV. He's led national campaigns working with brands including Acxiom, Citi, Chase, Target, GM, American Express, FedEx, Honda, Toyota, TD Ameritrade, Panera, TruGreen, and over 50 colleges and universities. He has also been an on air host and producer of TV and Radio programs.

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