David Raab

Episode 74: David Raab
“The Godfather of CDP”

Conversation with David Raab, the Founder and CEO of the Customer Data Platform Institute and he’s a subject matter at marketing technology and analytics.

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Picture of a Sand Tiger Shark

Shark Trivia

Did You Know the Sand Tiger Shark (Carcharias taurus)….

.….is a species of shark in the Odontaspididae family found in subtropical and temperate waters worldwide? It is a medium-to-large sized shark around 2-3 meters long that is also referred to as the Grey Nurse Shark (referred to in the UK and Australia), Spotted Ragged Tooth Shark (in South Africa), and Blue Nurse Sand Tiger Shark (in India).

.….despite its fearsome ragged-tooth appearance and strong swimming ability, is a relatively docile and slow-moving shark not considered harmful to humans? The approximately 100 teeth give the Sand Tiger Shark a menacing appearance.

.….is popularly found in aquariums around the world because they survive well in captivity?

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