Nancy Harhut

Episode 85: Nancy Harhut
“Applying Behavioral Science to Marketing”

Conversation with Nancy Harhut, a Creative Marketer, a Behavioral Scientist, a speaker, and a subject matter expert in behavioral science.

(Check out the 2nd interview with Nancy on Episode 171 and 3rd interview on Episode 337.)

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Picture of a spiraled Port Jackson Shark egg

Shark Trivia

Did You Know that Port Jackson Shark eggs are Corkscrewed….

.….and in a case that is a tough and dark brown spiral about 7-8 cm wide and about 15 cm long? These eggs are commonly found washed up on the beaches of Australia where this shark calls home.

Port Jackson Sharks are oviparous, which means that the female lays eggs.

The egg case is soft when first laid by the female. She uses her mouth to wedge the egg case into a rock crevice where it hardens. A young shark emerges after ten to twelve months.

Long twisted tendrils are often found on the bottom end and may be attached to seaweed.

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