Erin Brenner

Episode 90: Erin Brenner
“How to Create Compelling Copy”

Conversation with Erin Brenner, the CEO of Right Touch Editing and she’s a subject matter expert in content copywriting and editing.

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Picture of the Fijian shark-god Dakuwaqa

Shark Trivia

Did You Know that the Tope Shark (Galeorhinus galeus)….

.….is a Houndshark of the Triakidae family and is also known as the School Shark, Snapper Shark, Soupfin Shark, and Vitamin Shark? It is found worldwide in temperate and subtropical seas at depths beyond 1,800 feet near the bottom substrate.

.….is considered critically endangered due to the shark’s slow maturity and low productivity as well as due to overfishing in many regions of the world? The Tope Shark is fished heavily for its flesh, fins, and liver, which has a very high vitamin A content.

….is a slender and dusky colored shark with large eyes and a large, arched mouth in a pointed snout? They grow on average to just over 6 feet long. They are strong swimmers and travel up to 35 miles per day.

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