Jodi Daniels

Episode 58: Jodi Daniels
“What Is Your Personal Data Worth”

Conversation with Jodi Daniels, a Certified Informational Privacy Professional, the Founder of Red Clover Advisors, and a subject matter expert in online data strategy.

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Picture of sharks over a coral reef

Shark Trivia

Did You Know that Sharks are important to Reef Conservation….

.….and play a key role in regulating the health of coral reefs? Research has shown that where there are healthier reefs, there are also a higher number of sharks present.

Sharks help maintain the balance of biodiversity in the waters as they feed on small reef fish that thrive and take care of the seagrass and corals reef habitats. When sharks are taken out of the coral reef ecosystem, smaller species often upset and overwhelm the reef and coral ecosystems. This can result in too much algae as reflected by coral bleaching.

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