Tongtong Gong

Episode 112: Tongtong Gong
”Sha Yu and a Blockchain Entrepreneur”

Conversation with Tongtong Gong, the COO and Co-founder of Amberdata, and she’s a subject matter expert in blockchain technology.

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Picture of a Bull Shark with its mouth open

Shark Trivia

Did You Know that the Most Dangerous Sharks to Humans….

….are often difficult to identify since victims rarely make adequate observations of the shark during the heat of an attack; tooth remains are seldom found in wounds; and the lack of easily identifiable markings for many requiem sharks that are difficult to discern, even by trained professionals?

Realistically, almost any shark roughly six feet or more is a potential threat to humans because of the power of the jaw’s bite force and tooth morphology that can lead to injury. Hpwever, while sharks are known to be apex predators, their killer reputation fair is most often unmerited. Most are docile and independent. In fact, the odds of being attacked by a shark are very low. More people are actually killed each year by cows than by sharks.

Great White Sharks get most of the headlines but Bull Sharks may be the most dangerous shark of them all according to many researchers.

The shark species considered to be most dangerous to humans based on total recorded attacks are:

  • Great White Shark

  • Tiger Shark

  • Bull Shark

  • Requiem Sharks

  • Blacktip Shark

  • Sand Tiger Shark

  • Blue Shark

  • Oceanic White Shark

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