Marcos Alonso

Episode 132: Marcos Alonso
”Call Center Collaboration”

Conversation with Marcos Alonso, the Sr. Director, Head of Enterprise Employee Support Services at The Learning House, a division of Wiley, and he’s a subject matter expert on call centers.

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Picture of palm trees on a beach in Key West, Florida

Shark Trivia

Did You Know that the Florida Keys are home to a diverse species of Sharks….

.….due to many factors like the reefs, the flats, water temperatures, and an abundance of prey that make these islands the perfect habitat for many types of sharks? The following species are among the most commonly found:

  • Blacktip Shark

  • Blacknose Shark

  • Nurse Shark

  • Lemon Shark

  • Sharpnose Shark

  • Spinner Shark

  • Sandbar Shark

  • Scalloped Hammerhead Shark

Dangerous shark encounters are not common in the area as most of the sharks that reside there are docile. Bull Sharks, Mako Sharks, Tiger Sharks, and Great White Sharks are seen but they are not the predominant shark species in the waters of the Keys.

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