Episode 166: Deanna Wallin
”How SMB’s Can Grow and Keep Excellent Customer Experience”

Conversation with Deanna Wallin, the CEO and Founder of Naples Soap Company who has also taken her own story that started as a nurse and as someone with skincare issues into a thriving small business that has grown from one small retail space in Florida to now more than a dozen stores and a strong e-commerce presence.

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Picture of the barbels on a Nurse Shark

Shark Trivia

Did You Know that the some Sharks have whisker-like appendages….

….called barbels? The word barbel comes from the Latin term barbula, which means “little beard.” Barbels may be located in a variety of locations on the head of a shark including on either side of the mouth, extended from the nostrils, or located on the chin.

….that act as sensory organs to help them locate food by acting as taste buds or nostrils?

….and are often found on bottom-dwelling sharks that primarily hunt or scavenge for food in murkier waters and/or the ocean floor? Some of the species include Nurse Sharks, Epaulette Sharks, Angel Sharks, Spotted Wobbegong Sharks, Bluegrey Carpet Shark, Blind Sharks, and more.

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