Matt Freedman

Episode 77: Matt Freedman
“An Entrepreneur, a CDP, and a Pearl”

Conversation with Matt Freedman, the cofounder of Pearl, a Customer Data Platform, and he’s a subject matter expert at customer data and eCommerce.

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Picture of an Angular Roughshark

Shark Trivia

Did You Know that the Angular Roughshark (Oxynotus centrina)….

.….is a Roughshark of the Oxynotidae family that lives in the eastern Atlantic Ocean from Norway to South Africa and the entire Mediterranean Sea? Most live below 300 plus feet deep.

.….gets its name for the angles of its triangular body in cross sections with a broad head and blunt snout, rough teeth-like scales covering its body, and two tall dorsal fins, which look similar to sails?

.….has prominent ridges over its eyes, which are covered with enlarged denticles? They also have large spiracles almost as tall as the length of its eyes.

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