Mike Albanese

Episode 78: Mike Albanese
“Does Funny Work”

Conversation with Mike Albanese, a stand-up comedian, an actor, and the emcee and host to many of the Digital Summit marketing conferences throughout the country and he’s a subject matter expert at funny content.

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Picture of the up close front view of a Port Jackson Shark

Shark Trivia

Did You Know that Sharks have Personalities too….

.….and studies have confirmed that sharks of the same species exhibit different behaviors when stressed?

Port Jackson Sharks, Lemon Sharks, and Small Spotted Catsharks have each been independently studied with a focus on boldness and the propensity to take risks in order to measure how they reacted to different measures of stress.

Some of the sharks exhibited being bolder than others when exploring new and more potentially dangerous habitats. It was found that these personality differences influence how individual sharks interact with their habitat, their own species, and other species. The studies also showed that we cannot view all sharks of a species as the same.

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