Dr. Natalia Wiechowski

Episode 93: Dr. Natalia Wiechowski
“How to Build Your Personal Brand with Thought Leadership and Content”

Conversation with Dr. Natalia Wiechowski, a personal branding strategist and keynote speaker and she’s the Middle East’s leading Edutainer.

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Picture of the Dubai Aquarium & Underwater Zoo at the Dubai Mall

Shark Trivia

Did You Know that you can dive with Sharks in Dubai….

.….in the Dubai Aquarium  and Underwater Zoo at the Dubai Mall? The Dubai Aquarium and Underwater Zoo is the largest suspended aquarium in the world. It has a 10-million liter capacity and is located at the ground level of the mall.

Visitors can take a guided dive with Sand Tiger Sharks, Reef Sharks, Leopard Sharks, Tawny Nurse Sharks, Giant Groupers, Stingrays, and more than 300 species of other marine animals.

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