Anita Brearton

Episode 95: Anita Brearton
“Does Your MarTech Stack Up”

Conversation with Anita Brearton, the founder and CEO of Cabinet M, and she’s a subject matter expert at marketing technology stacks.

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Picture of PSAT tag on a Great White Shark

Shark Trivia

Did You Know that Shark Tagging Technology….

….is an important tool used to study shark behavior and can can provide data ranging from movement and migration patterns to how deep a shark dives? Some tags can last for a shark’s entire life while others can be recovered or fall off after a specific amount of time.

There are many different types of tags used in the study of sharks such as: Dart tags, PIT (Passive Integrated Transponder) tags, Acoustic tags, VEMCO tags, Pop-Up Archival Satellite tags, SPOT (Smart Position or Temperature Transmitting) tags, and PAT (Popup Archival Transmitting) tags.

While tagging does allow for in depth study, depending on the procedure, some of the types of tags can have some cons to the sharks just as there are pros to the researcher.

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