Sean Swarner

Episode 117: Sean Swarner
”Keep Climbing and Never Give Up”

Conversation with Sean Swarner, a motivational speaker, author, performance coach, world record holder, a two-time terminal cancer survivor, the story of a documentary on Amazon “True North,” and the only person in history to climb the highest mountain on every continent, trek to the South & North Poles, and complete the Hawaii Ironman - all with one lung; and he’s a subject matter expert at being positive despite the odds.

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Picture of a Great White Shark

Shark Trivia

Did You Know that Sharks Do Get Cancer….

.….and are not immune to this horrible disease despite the title of 2 best-selling books? In 1992, Dr. I. William Lane and Linda Comac published, “Sharks Don’t Get Cancer,” as well as the 1996 sequel, “Sharks Still Don’t Get Cancer.” Despite the title, they did not say that sharks never get cancer but they did less often because of shark cartilage. However, there is no scientific evidence that shark cartilage is useful in treating or preventing cancer or any other disease. Sadly, millions of sharks have been killed to make cartilage extracts.

As has been known for over 100 years, sharks are not immune to cancer. In fact, the first tumor was found on a shark in 1908 and there have since been dozens of other samples collected of sharks with cancerous tumors.

Sharks do get cancer but it does appear that they do not get cancer very often, which is still interesting to scientists who continue to study this phenomenon. More research will simply be needed in order to determine if it is because they only have cartilage and not bones; if it is because their primitive immune cells are created in the spleen and thymus instead of in bones like in humans; or some other unknown reason.

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