Dave Frankland

Episode 114: Dave Frankland
”Are You Marketing to the Entitled Consumer”

Conversation with Dave Frankland, the CEO at Customer Strategy Architects, a speaker, and the coauthor of “Marketing to the Entitled Consumer, How to turn unreasonable expectations into lasting relationships.”

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Picture of the cliffs of Moher, Ireland

Shark Trivia

Did You Know that some Sharks have the luck of the Irish….

.….and contrary to popular belief call the cold waters of Ireland home? Some of the more popular species include:

  • Basking Shark

  • Blue Shark

  • Nursehound Shark

  • Porbeagle Shark

  • Small-Spotted Catshark

  • Spurdog Shark

  • Thresher Shark

  • Tope Shark

Several of the other species also seen in Ireland and assessed as endangered or critically endangered include the Angel Shark, the Basking Shark, the Leafscale Gulper Shark, the Portuguese Dogfish Shark, the Porbeagle Shark, and the Spurdog Shark.

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