Rob Volk

Episode 118: Rob Volk
”There’s an App for That”

Conversation with Rob Volk, the founder and CEO of Foxbox Digital, and he’s a subject matter expert at building mobile apps and digital products.

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Picture of a shark feeding on a dead whale

Shark Trivia

Did You Know that almost all Sharks are Scavengers….

.….and will scavenge if they cannot find other food? Scavenging also helps keep the oceans clean by more quickly removing dead animals from the water rather than leaving them to decompose. Sharks often eat dead fish from fishing nets, dead sea creatures that fall to the ocean floor, and human food overthrown from boats.

.….like Tiger Sharks that are famous for their scavenging habits that include consuming fish, mammals, human trash, and more?

.….including Great White Sharks that are often seen feeding on the bodies of dead whales? Decaying and rotting meat from dead animals is sickening to humans but many wild animals such as sharks can eat it safely.

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