Scott Brinker

Episode 96: Scott Brinker
“The Art of the MarTech 5000 Landscape”

Conversation with Scott Brinker, the VP of Platform Ecosystem at HubSpot, Editor at, the Program Chair of the MarTech Conference, a subject matter expert at marketing technology, and yes he’s the guy behind the MarTech 5000 landscape graphic.

Illustration of the Marketing Technology Landscape (“Martech 5000”) by chiefmartec

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Picture of two Galapagos Sharks in Hawaii

Shark Trivia

Did You Know that Galapagos Sharks (Carcharhinus galapagensis)….

.….is a species of requiem shark found in ocean waters near tropical islands all over the world? They live near coral reefs and rocky sea floors.

….live loosely in groups but do not behave as a coordinated group?

.….are large, normally reaching from 2 to 3.7 meters, and can be considered aggressive? They are often difficult to distinguish from the Dusky Shark to the Grey Reef Shark. One identifying characteristic though is its tall first dorsal fin, which has a slightly rounded tip and originates over the rear tips of the pectoral fins.

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