Rohit Bhargava

Episode 86: Part 1 - Rohit Bhargava
“Non-Obvious Trends for the Future”

Part 1 Conversation with Rohit Bhargava, the best-selling author of “Non-Obvious 2019: How To Predict Trends And Win The Future”, a professor, keynote speaker, an entrepreneur, and the founder and Chief Trend Curator for the Non-Obvious Company.

(Check out the 2nd interview with Rohit on Episode 86 - Part 2 and the 3rd interview on Episode 311.)

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Picture of the Fijian shark-god Dakuwaqa

Shark Trivia

Did You Know that the Tawny Nurse Shark (Nebrius ferrugineus)….

.….is found widely along coastlines in Indo-Pacific waters from South Africa to the Red Sea and Gulf, East Asia north to Japan, Australia to Marshall Islands, and Tahiti?

.….is quite large at 3 meters in length and is similar in appearance to the nurse shark found in the Atlantic and East Pacific but distinguishes itself from its pointed dorsal fins and narrow, sickle-shaped dorsal fins? Tawny Nurse Sharks are related to Nurse, Blind, and Whale Sharks.

.….is also known as the Spitting Shark because it spits water as a defense if captured? They are also one of only a few sharks who are believed to grunt and make a noise. This may be because of the powerful suction force of its mouth.

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