JT Benton

Episode 115: JT Benton
”An Affinity for Strategic Partnership Marketing”

Conversation with JT Benton, the Founder and CEO of WorkBook6, a partner development firm for customer acquisition and engagement strategies, and he’s a subject matter expert at direct response and affinity marketing.

(Check out the 2nd interview with JT on Episode 204.)

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Picture of the side view of a Ragged Tooth Shark

Shark Trivia

Did You Know that Sharks have two distinct Breathing Methods….

.….by which they pass water over their gills?

The ram ventilation method is when a shark ventilates its gills and swims with its mouth open where its speed pushes the water through the gills. Those types of sharks must keep swimming in order to keep breathing. Only about 20 species breathe this way.

The buccal pumping method is a process where the shark uses its cheek muscles to suck water through its gills. These sharks usually have strong cheek muscles. They also have prominent respiratory openings behind their eyes called spiracles, which allows them to keep their mouths closed while breathing. Over 400 species breathe this way.

Most sharks use a combination of these two methods, switching back and forth depending on how fast they are swimming.

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